Saint Patrick
This is from an email I just sent to One Room Schoolhouse mentors as they prep for this week: Once I learned the true story of St. Patrick, St. Patrick's Day has become one of my favorite holidays. It's a day we celebrate a man learned to love his enemies, truly forgave, and who did hard things because he was following God's direction to him personally. While rainbows and leprechauns and four-leaf clover are fun symbols, I hope you get a chance to share with your students the story of Patricius. The True Story of St. Patrick Adapted by Makala Hales for young learners from S. Michael Wilcox’s “The Voice of the Irish”: Saint Patrick in Ten Great Souls I Want to Meet in Heaven. What do you think of when you think of St. Patrick’s Day? If you are like most people, you probably think of the color green, leprechauns, four leaf clover, rainbows, and pots of gold. While these symbols are fun to think about, the true story of St. Patrick’s D...